1.7A 5415 Schedule not remembered properly

If you define a default schedule view for a given location, and set that location as the default for a user, then when the user logs on a calls up Workflow|Scheduling - all is as expected.

If you now click Worklists, the worklist view is as expected.

However, if you now click Scheduling, the schedule view is not set (ie it has forgotten the default set).

If you now select a scedule view and then switch back and forth between the worklist and schedule, the the schedule view you chose stays as that chosen.

ie, the initial default schedule view is not remembered when you move off the schedule screen to the worklist screen. Note however, that if you move off the schedule screen to the messaging or investigations screen, and then back to scheduling, it is remembered.  Conclusion - something about going to the worklist screen destroys the initial schedule view.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7A 5415 Schedule not remembered properly

Fixed in revision 5416.



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