Account->Adjust->Credit on Till Balance Report

Hi All,

Does anyone understand why direct account credit adjustments show up on the till balance report? It doesn't seem to me that this would impact the till balance.



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Re: Account->Adjust->Credit on Till Balance Report


Hi Paul

Could you please give a little more detail:  do you mean a credit entered on the customer account a credit adjustment on the customer account (which doesnt show on the till balance report) or are you talking about a direct deposit into your back account from a customer that has been receipted in OPEN?

How is this being entered on the customers file.


Re: Account->Adjust->Credit on Till Balance Report

Hi Cath,

You know what... I tried to reproduce this and couldn't! Seems it was an anomaly. I once saw a credit come out on the till-balance report. It showed as income... very strange.

Thanks, Paul

Re: Account->Adjust->Credit on Till Balance Report

Hi Paul,

Just wondering if it was an adjustment due to adjusting the cash float amount when the Till was cleared.  If the Cash float is modified we automatically create these.



Re: Account->Adjust->Credit on Till Balance Report

Hi Tony,

I don't think that's the case. I've forwarded some screenshots directly to you... because the client information is visible. Let me know what you think...

Thanks, Paul

Re: Account->Adjust->Credit on Till Balance Report

It looks like this was an anomaly. If anyone can reproduce the sequence of events that shows a Refund->Credit on the till balance, please take note of the steps. Tony nor I can reproduce...

Thanks, Paul

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