Discount expiry dates (or lack of)


We have clients that join a club that we run to get a discount, the club requires membership payments to be made annually. When we join the clients up the idea is that we enter a start and finish date for the discount. We have found that some clients do NOT have an end date entered on their file. I would like to report on these clients and add end dates, otherwise they'll be getting a discount indefinitely. Is there a report I can run to get this information.  I looked at the Customer Discount Export Report but it doesn't have start or end dates?


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Re: Discount expiry dates (or lack of)

Any idea's anyone?


Re: Discount expiry dates (or lack of)

Hi Sandra,

No report to do this currently but could provide a database query that gets the information.  You may need someone who knows how to run the query on your system though.

I assume you only want to look at specific Discount Types ?



Re: Discount expiry dates (or lack of)

Hi Tony,

Could we get a report written and donate it back to the community?

The discount we add to the client file is set up as a Discount Group Type, does that help?

When we add a discount group type to their file, is there a way for the expiry date to be automatically set at 12 months from that date?


Re: Discount expiry dates (or lack of)

Hi Sandra,

I have created the necessary report and you can find it in the shared resources area here.

Please try and tell me if it does or does not suit your purposes.



Re: Discount expiry dates (or lack of)

Hi Tony,

Hi Tony, Yes that will work - THANKYOU!  

Is there a way with this report that I could only filter clients without expiry dates?

When we add a discount group type to their file, is there a way for the expiry date to be automatically set at 12 months from that date?


Re: Discount expiry dates (or lack of)

Hi Sandra,

Not currently on both counts :-)

Will look at updating report to allow filtering.



Re: Discount expiry dates (or lack of)

Thanks Tony!


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