Active Clients by Year Report

I have tried to run this report and realise that it only reports in calendar years (I think). I wanted to find out how many active clients in the last financial year but it reports them as 2 separate 6 month numbers, where I believe there would be some cross over (clients represented in both 6 month groups) & this would not reflect the true number for that 12 months. Any suggestions?


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Re: Active Clients by Year Report

Hi everyone,

There are now 3 Active Client versions;
a) One that groups by month (Customers are counted once per month but multiple times over months)
b) One that groups by calendar year (Customers are counted once per calendar year but multiple times over months)
c) One that groups by an user defined period (Customers are counted once per period and a single count is returned)

You can find them all here (link may only work in forums)


Matt C

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