Advice for 1.5 beta 2 update

Hi All,

We're just about to have the 1.5 update installed, a bit late I know!

I've searched the forums to see if there was a document outlining the changes that I could send to staff. I've managed to find a two page information sheet that I've copied and attached but it's not very user friendly. I rarely use OpenVPMS anymore so I'm struggling a bit knowing what's going on when people have been talking on the forums about problems with orders of visits being incorrect.

Can anyone give me a quick run down on what we have to do differently when adding and editing invoices or can you point me in the direction of a document on here somewhere?

Or has anyone already written a review for their staff on the changes that they would be happy to share with me? I would really appreciate it!


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Re: Advice for 1.5 beta 2 update

Woops! I meant editing histories NOT invoices.


Re: Advice for 1.5 beta 2 update

Hi Sandra,

Have you had a look through the 1.5 implementation notes located here ?



Re: Advice for 1.5 beta 2 update

Thanks Tony!!


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