Adding a logo to patient history records
Submitted by lara pet hospital on Wed, 08/06/2016 - 11:05
I am looking to add our logo to the top of our patient histories when they are printed or emailed. At this time there is nothing identifying our clinic on the records. I know the document is the Patient Medical Record, it's an ireport / jrxml document. I have found it on the server but I have no idea how to edit the document.
Any ideas?
Re: Adding a logo to patient history records
Julia - Interesting that you raised this. I am currently working a project to make it easier in 1.9 for non-technical people to customise the various system documents like invoices, receipts etc etc, and I was wondering whether I should add the same facility to the medical history. I will contact you off forum to get your logo etc.
Regards, Tim G