Advice on re-setup after computer failure

Hi this is Lyn's tech support


Lyn has recently had a computer failure on her openvpms system that has resulted in the loss of her old system, but I have managed to recover the hard drive intact.

I was just wondering your advice on the best way to re-setup her new system:


I have all the MySQL files in the original ProgramData folder but not a MySQL-specific backup file so cannot recover via MySQL tools, only via copying of files.

1. What would be the most effective way to bring all the open vpms data from her previous machine (Windows XP) to her new system (Windows 8)? Is it possible to simply copy over the /data/ files and have the new MySQL install recognise these? Would doing so cause conflicts within openvpms?


2. The previous machine was running OpenVPMS 1.6, although I would like to be able to upgrade her to 1.7 while setting up the new system.

Is it advisable to re-install version 1.6 first, bring the data over and then upgrade to 1.7? Would there be problems or conflicts if I installed OpenVPMS 1.7 and then brought the data from 1.6 over?


Your advice and assistance is appreciated.



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Re: Advice on re-setup after computer failure

Effectively you woul use a cold backup method to copy the mysql datafiles across to a new mysql instance. you can use tar or zip what ever works and you dont have to do all the data(you can ignore mysql table, performance tables etc) or just do the lot thats up to you.

hopefully her mysql was set for innodb 1 file per table. so u should see a directory openvpms with a stack of files inside it representing the tables.

follow the myqsl rules for cold backups and you should be fine. (make sure you copy the ibdata files as well (see the docs))

See the link

make sure you use the same version of mysql for this dont go upgrading

once you have mysql up and running again 

and verify the openvpms data is present.

the the next step would be reinstall tomcat deploy openvpms 1.7 run the 

sql upgrade scripts defined in the package 


on the existing database. 

load the new 1.7 archetypes 

deploy the war to tomcat.

you can find this stuff in the README.txt that comes in the 1.7 package.

OH and finally configure a mysql backup solution for her  I backup my system atleast daily using mysqldump but I have a slave system that keeps an exact parrellell copy as well for failover in under 5minutes downtown (potentialy less depending how fast I can execute my failover script)


Good luck

you can contact me offlist at 

ben at if you need more help.


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Advice on re-setup after computer failure

Hi ben


Thanks for your advice, this has been extremely helpful. Recovery has been a success

I will organise her a full system and mysqldump backup as per your advice


Thanks again



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