Custom Statement


Would anyone be willing to share with me a customised statement. I have been looking at trying to improve our statements in ireport, but I think it's beyond me.

I would really like a Statement of Account that included

Invoice number and Patient Name

I am presuming this is a common issue with printing statments for debtors, so surely someone has been cleverer than me and edited their statement.jrxml file.

Thanks so much,



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Re: Custom Statement

The immediate issue I see is that invoices can have more than 1 patient can produce an statement that has invoice breakdowns under each invoice.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Custom Statement

That being said I have attached our report

statementItems.jrxml 6.54 KB
statement A4 Logo.jrxml 31.11 KB
OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Custom Statement

Thank you so much Ben! That's absolutely awesome. Could you tell me how to print a statement for a specified date range (not from the clients first invoice).


Re: Custom Statement

Greta - you cannot do this from Reporting|Debtors. To handle a specific group of our customers I built an "Extended Customer Statement" report, whose parameter screen is as follows:

'@cid' is a macro to pick up the ID of the current customer.  I cannot just give you the jxrml's - because there is some practice specific stuff in it, and also because I am currently travelling. However, when I return home next month, I will look at generalising things. [However, because the generated statement contains a remittance advice full of practice specific info like how and where to pay, the jxrml will still need adjustment for your practice.]

Note also, that one has to be careful about how to present a statement staring at an arbitary date because there may be unpaid transactions prior to the specified start date - hence the approach detailed by the Expanation text above.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Custom Statement

That's great Tim.

I'm happy to wait until you're back. I can edit the document as required to make it our clinic specific.

Just a couple of questions about the statement:

1. Why do some of the invoice lines have patient name and invoice details, and some don't? Is it if the 'printed' text box is unticked then it shows items? Is there a way to make it so it prints it every time, ticked or unticked?

2. Is it necessary to have an 'invoice' number for payments? Is there a way to remove this from my report, so I just have Invoice numbers if it is an invoice and not credits or payments?

Thank you both so much for the documents and your help.



Re: Custom Statement


1. some lines have..., some don't:  humm - without looking at both the raw data, and the jrxml you are using, I cannot be certain.  However, I suspect it is to do with iReport's 'print repeated data' switch setting. If for a given column, this is set to No (the default, I think - I don't have iReports on this tablet I am using), then if the column data value is the same as in the line above, then it is blanked out. If the data rows are ordered, then this gives a pretty output.  ie if the columns are date, patient, then other stuff, then the date and patient name are only printed when they change.

1A. printed checkbox - this has no effect on how the statement is printed - it is simply a record that that invoice (or credit note or ...) has been printed.

2. necessary to show invoice number: No.  Our approach is to show the invoice number (strictly the invoice's transaction id) in tiny font on the invoice so that it will generally be ignored, but is there if ever necessary. However, we don't show the invoice numbers on the statement - as you can see below. You can also see the effects of the 'don't print repeated values' settings for the patient name, invoice line item date, and product type [note the suppression of 'Medication' in Chai Chai's line items in the top invoice].

[I think also that I see a bug - the invoice line items should be sorted by product type and they are not]

2B. Show invoice number on statement but not ids for other types of transactions.  Piece of cake - I built the report using a different detail format for each transaction type, so that if you want the transaction IDs to show only for invoices, this is easy to do.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Custom Statement

Greta - I am back home.  Do you need to progress this is any way?  Regards, Tim G

Re: Custom Statement

Thanks so much Tim, that would be great. I can't seem to edit the sub report, but that's because I don't understand jrxml.

The main things I would like on the statment are:

Invoice Number

Not Payment Number (still payments, just not the number)

Patient Name

Product Name

Quantity (dispensing units would be great too ie mls)

Invoice total


I don't know if you already answered, but do you know why some invoices have text (patient name etc) and some only have the total?

If this is too much too ask to fix for me, then totally understand - what i've got is ok. But this extra information will definitely help and I will re-share the document for everyone once I've edited our format.

Thanks so much,



Re: Custom Statement

Greta - can you email both the statement and subreport jrxml's that you are using to tim dot gething at bigpond dot com

As to "why some invoices have text..." - not sure without looking at the jrxml's - also if you could include pdf's of statements that show this behaviour it would be helpful.

Regards, Tim G

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