Apache memory leak?

I've had this happen intermittently at no more then 3 month intervals.

Apaches memeory use will rise to 1.1GB RAM in the process list (System 4GB RAM). At the same time the openvpms app will start to run very slowly.

Restarting the service results in a stable memory use of between 300 - 400MB RAM and improves speed considerably.

We have increased the cache size to improve performance in scheduling. Could it be we don't have that balance right?

Matt C

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Apache memory leak?

The scheduling caches will automatically release memory if available memory is used up.


It could be a memory leak. It could also be that your system is spending a lot of time paging. How much of physical memory is in use?


If there is a memory leak, an OutOfMemoryError will eventually be thrown.

To help diagnose the cause, you can configure the jvm to dump heap on OutOfMemoryError with the  -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError option.

Note that this requires JKD 1.5 update 7 or higher.

See http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/hotspot/vmoptions.jsp for more details


An alternative is to use jconsole to take the heap dump - this requires JDK 1.6.

See http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/management/jconsole.html for more details.

possible memory leak

Thanks Tim,

I will look at those diagnostic options.

From the Task manager, during normal operation; Of the 4.1GB physical memory, 1.2G is available. I will be sure to check when the system runs down what the ratio is.

I assume these are the figures you meant?

Matt C

Apache memory leak?

Yep. Also for processes using lots of CPU, and pagefile usage.

memeory leak

Sorry Tim,

Wher would I find pagefile useage in a Win Server 2003?

Matt C

Apache memory leak?

On XP, you can get pagefile usage in task manager. Not sure about Win Server 2003, but you should always be able to use mmc:

Apache memory

Thanks Tim

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