App for parasiticide sales integrating with OpenVPMS

Could OpenVPMS create an App for parasiticide sales that could be sent as a link / download App link with the SMS reminder, for example "Bravecto is now due, click to repurchase" then either post to owner or pick up from ABC Vet Hospital. The App or website would take payment and integrate with OpenVPMS payments and stock control. Is this a possibility or too ambitious at present?

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Re: App for parasiticide sales integrating with OpenVPMS

At this stage we are not looking to implement a sales portal, although OpenVPMS 2.2 will provide developers tools to integrate OpenVPMS with one.

Current versions of OpenVPMS could be integrated with an existing e-commerce platform by:

  • importing product data from OpenVPMS
  • including product meta-data in the reminder link sent via email or SMS
    There would need to be a web service that translated clicks on the link to:
    • determine the corresponding product
    • add it to the customer's cart
    • redirect the user to the e-commerce platform

Under this approach, customer payments would be handled by the e-commerce platform and stock would not be updated.



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