Appointment Types and Task Types

There is currently a project underway to streamline the check-in process - see

There is one thing that this project does not address - the relationship (or lack of one) between the Appointment Type in the schedule and the Task Type in the worklist.

Currently, if one is checking-in an appointment, the worklist can be selected, but one has almost no control over the task type - it is automatically set to the default task type for the worklist.

This means that unless extra work is done to edit the task to set the proper task type, one ends up with the worklist containing all tasks set to the default task type.  Since task type is one of the columns shown on the single worklist display, and since one can highlight by task task type, we are losing a potentially useful source of information.

I don't think that the solution lies in allowing one to select the task type as the worklist is being chosen, that just adds a potentially unnecessary step.

A better approach would be to have the task type automatically selected from the appointment type when one is checking-in an appointment from the schedule. So if the appointment type is say Recheck, then the task type gets set to Recheck.

There are potentially two ways to chose the task type given the appointment type:

  1. for each appointment type, define a the associated task type
  2. as the appointment is checked-in, see if the selected worklist has a task type or the same name, and if so use it, else use the default task type for that worklist

It seems to me that the second is simpler and requires no changes in the appointment archetype, just a code change (and perhaps some changes to the task types defined in your system).

Can anyone see any downside in adopting this approach?

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Appointment Types and Task Types

2 days and no protests (or accolades), so by this post, I am asking Tim A to make a project to "as the appointment is checked-in, see if the selected worklist has a task type of the same name, and if so use it, else use the default task type for that worklist" and to cost it up.

I have just paid for the Streamline Check-in project, so I figure it will be relatively simple to add this change in while he is fooling around in the check-in code.

Regards, Tim G

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