Automatic Order Generation (1.7 alpha feature)

Just a query -

how is this system going to cope with back ordering?

The current manual system or order generation cannot detect backorders at all due to the fact the supply doesnt notify of them via the ESCI communication system....

Hence if people arent line checking every order there is potential for products to get ordered multiple times if they go on backorder.

Our current list of backorders is around 30 lines long at any given time....


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Re: Automatic Order Generation (1.7 alpha feature)

The original order will have its delivery status set to "Part" until all order items are delivered. While this doesn't state exactly that they are on back order, it is an indication. The supplier can also convey a note in the order response indicating if items are on back order.

The new automatic order generation does look at what is on order when creating new orders to avoid over-ordering.


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