Assigning Products during delivery and Auto updating

OPENVPMS 1.6.1 version

When you are processing a delivery and a new product arrives with no associated Product in your files, initally staff are told to search for an appropriate product.  If they select the incorrect product and that product already has associated order details for that supplier then the delivery details are over written with the products details from our database.

This is incorrect behaviour or atleast should be prompted.


1.  The product may have been updated with a replacement product from the supplier, in this case the deliver details should add a new product supplier entry or overwrite the existing ones. and set it self as preferred.

2. The product may well be the wrong product and now that it overwritten it cant evern be rolled back the only options is to cancel the delivery update and start again, that is assuming the staff even notices the overwrite in the first place. 

3. This is exacerbated when only 1 product exists with the entered search criteria, in this case it autooverwrites without even allowing a selection.

ie 1 Item in data base : Kong Medium

Item arrives: Kong Large

Staff attempts to match it using search term Kong.  Open will autofill Kong medium and apply that products existing reorder code and name.

I think that when a new item arrives and no matching product is found in the OPEN database that when the staff are finalising the order a (NEW) button should be found at the bottom of the search screen to allow adding the new product.  If an overwrite of the line item is going to occur it should be prompted before it occurs, options should be overwrite or add new supplier code to the product item or cancel.



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