Searching for in progress consults

Hi everyone, I apologize if this has already been asked as I'm new to the forums, but I was wondering if there was a way to get a list of visits that are listed as 'in progress' rather than completed? It would be helpful to be able to pick up histories that haven't been written. Cheers, Eleanor

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Re: Searching for in progress consults

Hi Eleanor

To view any work that is "In Progress":

Reporting (Module)

Work in Progress (Workspace)


This will give you a list of all invoices that have not been finalised they will be listed as Completed or In Progress. 


Re: Searching for in progress consults

Thanks Cath :)

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Hey Cath,

Just further to this, when invoices are finalised and then changed to "completed", the history entries may remain as "in progress" depending on whether you've changed it manually or not, so there may in fact be history entries that are still in progress but with invoices that are completed. I would like to be able to find these entries as for me they indicate that I still need to go back and finish the notes after the client has paid and the consult is over - for eg. when I'm way to busy to write up the file at the time! Is there a way of finding these patients for which the record status is still "in progress" while the invoice is "completed"?



Re: Searching for in progress consults

I find that previous invoices print, even when completed, when it's actually the patient summary which is "in progress".

Is there a way to search for patient summaries "in progress" so these can be "completed"?

Re: Searching for in progress consults


I wondered if there is a solution to find these visits as we would like to "tidy them up".



Re: Searching for in progress consults

Bernie - attached is a real quick and dirty report to do what you want. It finds the 'in-progress' visits and prints their date and reason, the patient id and name. One could make the report more sexy (ie get customer & clinician details) but I figure that given the patient id and visit date, you can get to the actual visit.

As always, good karma comes from making a donation to show your appreciation.

Regards, Tim G

uncompletedVisits.jrxml 7.66 KB

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Tim you are a champion!

Love the Report - only small problem I ran the report and came up with 134 pages of 'In Progress' Consults that we need to tidy up:(

All I can say is delegation.

Tell me how much will it cost to tidy up the report to include surnames and search by dates & not have the Deceased pets in the list?


Thanks Anna

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Anna - attached is Mark 2 - you can set the date range, it shows owner name and id, and omits inactive patients (I figured that inactive was better than dead - if Fido died yesterday you should still write up his autopsy).  It is still a little quick & dirty but should do the job.

How much ?  I am sure the OpenVPMS coffers could hold another million dollars - but just put in what you want.

Regards, Tim G

uncompletedVisits.jrxml 8.4 KB

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Hi Tim,

This report is extremely useful, but I have just run it and get multiple entries in the report eg 4 or 5 entries for a single Patient Summary in the medical Record for the same day. Is this report searching information other than in the Patients--Medical Records?

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Humm - I did say it was a quick and dirty. My apologies, I was running late this morning and did not check the results closely enough. The sql was wrong (stuff incorrectly left in from the thing I cloned it from).

The corrected version is attached.  Regards, Tim

uncompletedVisits.jrxml 8.29 KB

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Yes  did see multiple entries but that just made me feel better about the 134 pages of 'In progress' consults that we had to adjust. Thanks for your help Tim!

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Works a treat. Thanks Tim

Re: Searching for in progress consults

Fantastic - Thanks Tim yes

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