Autoinsert spacing after a full stop in product name


We are relatively new to OpenVPMS so sorry if this has been covered elsewhere. We are currently using version 1.7.1. When adding new products into OpenVPMS a space is automatically inserted after a full stop. This makes it hard to read for products that have a decimal point in the name. We could work around this by using fractions rather than decimal points but that would be less than ideal.


To keep staff billing errors to a minimum I like to keep the products in a logical order. To do this I need to place a 0 in the tens column as above. Does any else use an alternative method to keep the products in a logical size order ?

Also I find the autocapitalisation feature in the product entry context unhelpful but I am not sure if that can be turned off. It mostly occurs if I enter concentrations into the product name such as 200mg or 50mL then this is autocorrected to 200Mg or 50Ml respectively, if I go back and change it back to what I want then it will not corrected again. This autocorrection does not seem consistent and I'm not sure what the trigger is. Has any one else noted this behaviour ?



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Re: Autoinsert spacing after a full stop in product name


1. space after full stop

We use a slightly modified version of the file as can be seen in the snippet below (ours on the left, standard 1.8 version on the right). As you can see we comment out (by inserting a leading #) the space after the full stop. The other mods you can see are a) to turn off starts with 'Mac' [because it was causing problems with two important patients named Macy and Mackie]; b) local stuff [CC, AEC & EIAH relate to the practice names; /F because in Hong Kong it is common to have a floor number in the customer's address - eg 2/F 108 Mau Po].

So as per go ahead and edit <TOMCAT HOME>\webapps\openvpms\WEB-INF\classes\localisation\ to comment out the spaceAfter.2 line.


b) Turning off autocapitalisation in the product name

Yes this can be done. As you say the above reference does not tell you how to adjust the archetype. For the 'how to' see - the archetypes you need to adjust are product.merchandise, product.medication, product.service & product.template

If you do this using Administration|Archetypes edit the above to delete the propercase descriptor assertion for the name field. Below is a snippet showing the merchadise archetype name field - so click on the name field to select it, then click on 'descriptor assertion to select it, then press the Delete button.

If you want to do this by editing the .adl files [my preference] then as it says in the above reference:

However this is probably a little sparse for you.

My practice is to maintain a separate folder containing all my modified archetypes (some 32 of them) and I have a modified archload script to load them. In your case it may be easier to edit the standard ones after saving a copy and then running the standard archload to reload all the archetypes including your modified ones.

ie in the folder <OPENVPMS-HOME>\update\archetypes\org\openvpms\archetype\product copy to where xxx is merchandise, medication, service and template and then edit each of the adl files to delete the descriptor assertion lines - ie

Hope this helps.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Autoinsert spacing after a full stop in product name

Thanks Tim. I have not touched archetypes before so that's a little daunting but I'll give it a go and post again if I have any problems.

Thanks again.


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