Medical notes disappear when edit

Hi all

We have been using OpenVPMS for a year now and never had a problem.

Recently though I noticed that when I try to edit patient's medical notes, rather than a popup with existing medical notes, the notes are gone and if I click 'OK' without any input the existing note would be deleted. This has never happened before and we haven't updated the system so I'm a bit puzzled. Anyone else experienced this before?

Best regards, Brian

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Re: Medical notes disappear when edit

You don't mention which browser you are using, but there is a bug in the latest version of Google Chrome (43.0.2357.65) where text areas don't display the entered text.

If this is the issue, switch to using Firefox, until a new version of Chrome is available.

Re: Medical notes disappear when edit

Hi tanderson

We are using google chrome and OpenVPMS works just fine on Firefox. Thank you very much!

Re: Medical notes disappear when edit

This has been resolved as off  Chrome Version 43.0.2357.81, which is rolling out now.

Updating Chrome should resolve the issue you can check your chrome version by browsing to 



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