Can't open OpenVPMS
Hi, I can't get past the login screen to open OpenVPMS, using Firefox (which I normally use), Chrome or IE.
When I try & open the program, the login page appears, but after I add in my username & password & try to open the program, I get the error messages shown in the attachments.
Prior to this problem occurring, I had tried to print an invoice, but got a different (smaller) screen than usually occurs, so I closed the program and rebooted my computer to see if that would solve the problem.
Prior to that, I had installed the latest version of Java when prompted to do so - I don't know if that is relevant. The new version of Java is Version 8 Update 25 (build 1.8.0_25_b18).
I have Open VPMS Version 1.6 (4930) installed on a Toshiba Satellite Pro C850 Laptop running MS Windows Professional Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601.
Any help to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Ross Beatty
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
You'll need to look in the error logs to determine what the problem is.
In 1.6, you will need to look in the directory that Tomcat was started in for a file named openvpms-full.log. Also check the Tomcat logs in <TOMCAT_HOME>/logs.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Thanks for the reply.
I'm not very familiar with the back end of computers.
How do I find these locations/files?
I copied the names into Start/Search programs & files but couldn't find them there.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Start by looking for the Tomcat installation directory.
It will be something like:
If you are running Tomcat as a service, the openvpms-full.log file is likely located in here.
Tomcat's own log files are located in the logs directory e.g.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
I have attached a copy of the log file since yesterday.
Where do we go from here?
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
This thread may help:
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Hi again,
I could do step 3 (Java Virtual Machine) and change the setting to jre8 in JAVA_HOME
However, in system variables, there is no variable called CLASSPATH, only one called Path. Its variable is:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\tomcat-juli.jar
I can't see anything there to change to jre8.
Any more ideas?
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Adjusting JAVA_HOME should have helped with Tomcat but try this
Clear the old logs - rename them to *.log.bak or whatever to force tomcat to make new ones.
1. In the C:\Program Files\Apache\Tomcat\bin directory make a command prompt and run java -version
post the output here
2. Stop Tomcat and then restart it (after you clear the logs)
3. Check you can access http://localhost:8080 (default tomcat screen)
4. Check if you can access http://localhost:8080/openvpms
5. Post the error logs here again
6. Post all the config options you have set with Tomcat - openvpms is compiled against java 1.6 which is compatibly with java 1.8 (I think) so using java 8 should be ok.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Ross/Ben - I would be very way of using Java 8 - see
Note that I am NOT saying that the OPenVPMS web app will not run with Java 8. However, certain reports will not and hence J8 should be steered clear of.
Ross - the above link is work looking at - specifically the post which talks about using the Tomcat6w.exe program that is used to control the Java environment used by Tomcat.
[In a 'normal' setup, Java is installed, then Tomcat, and Tomcat sets itself up to use the installed Java. However, if Java gets updated, then Tomcat may no longer know where things are].
Regards, Tim G
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Once Openvpms 1.8 becomes Generally Available upgrading will correct this issue - we have upgraded the JR to 5.6.1 in 1.8. There is still one report on that thread of someone having issues, but it wasnt investigated and may be unrelated.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Hi Tim,
Should I uninstall Java 8 and reinstall Java 7?
Are there any issues for a mug like me to do this?
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Not really you can run them side by side and tell tomcat which one to use via the startup script or with tomcatw.exe
If you open the java control panel you can see the versions you have installed.
Above is the Java 7 offline installer for windows. Thats the one I would use to install java 7.
Here you can see the tab of the Tomcat7w.exe manager telling tomcat to run 1.8 but you could change that to 1.7 by unticking USE DEFAULT and change the Java Virtual machine path and Java Classpath.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Hi Ben,
Hi Ben, I have run the java installer from the link you provide several times, it tells me it has been successful but after verification it says V8 is installed (see attachment).
When I check in Java proerties, it says V8 was installed 2 days ago.
Any ideas.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Hi again Ben,
I have installed Java V7 and kept V8.
I have changed the Virtual Machine and JAVA_HOME to jre1.7.0. (See screenshots).
I still can't log on.
I have not changed the crosspath at any stage, & the entry looks different to what is on your screenshot & has no mention of Java (see below):
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\tomcat-juli.jar
Do I need to change this?
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Can you run through this again and post any errors and logs you encounter.
1. In the C:\Program Files\Apache\Tomcat\bin directory make a command prompt and run java -version
post the output here
2. Stop Tomcat and then restart it (after you clear the logs)
eg C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\logs
post the most recent versions of each log
also in
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0
looks for openvpms.log and post that.
3. Check you can access http://localhost:8080 (default tomcat screen)
4. Check if you can access http://localhost:8080/openvpms
5. Post the error logs here again (that means after you try to access those pages) also post any message you get in the browser screen
Post the logs as txt attachments.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Hi Ben,
Sorry to be a pain, but with my rudimentary computer skills I need help with a couple of things:
Step 1. I can find the directory & I can access the command prompt (thanks to Google) but I don't know how to make a command prompt & run java-version in the directory
Step 2. I assume that I can stop Tomcat in Task Manager??? To clear the logs do I select the text & delete it?
Re: [OpenVPMS] Can't open OpenVPMS
Re: [OpenVPMS] Can't open OpenVPMS
This is resolved for now.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
I've been having the same issue I think.
I installed openvpms without obvious issue on a windows 8 computer. immediately after installation i could succesfully open it via the http://localhost:8080/openvpms link.
the following day I did a mysqldump from an older computer (windows 7) and attempted to restore that database to the new computer. both of those processes seem to work. During that process i Got a 1067 error and couldnt start Mysql. after consulting this forum i used this advice
Re: Error 1067 when starting MySQL Service
Submitted by tanderson on Mon, 03/09/2012 - 08:24.
You need to:
stop the MySQL service
remove both ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1
restart the service
This worked and mysql started again.
i then tried to log in via http://localhost:8080/openvpms and get this error
HTTP Status 404 -
type Status report
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.43
I found this thread and have tried to provide the information as requested previously
I can access Tomcat via http://localhost:8080
I ran java -version and got this
C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin>java -version
java version "1.7.0_71"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode, sharing)
My JAVA_HOME path says C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin
I have attached several error logs. I installed openvpms on 4.1.15. the dates on the other error logs should read 2015 not 2014. I stopped and started Tomcat during this process. I wasnt sure how to ( or if i should ) delete the logs ( wasnt sure theyd be recreated).
Hopefully someone can help. I've just tried to provide as much info as possible.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
The logs indicate that OpenVPMS is unable to connect to MySQL.
Try the following:
1. Check that the MySQL service is running
2. Make sure Tomcat was started after the MySQL service. If it wasn't, try restarting Tomcat
3. Check that you can connect to MySQL using the mysql tool. To launch this, open a cmd prompt and type:
mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms
If MySQL is running, it should prompt for a password.
If you get the error:
"'mysql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
run it from the directory where MySQL is installed e.g.:
cd c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin
mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Thanks. tried that and I can connect to MYSQL as per below
C:\windows\system32>mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms
Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 19
Server version: 5.1.73-community MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input stateme
Thanks for your help - where to from here?
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
Sorry - missed an error:
This was introduced in OpenVPMS 1.7.
If you have restored the backup from an earlier version of OpenVPMS, you need to run the migration steps outlined in the readme.txt file included in the release, before you run Tomcat.
This includes running migration scripts, and loading archetypes.
Re: Can't open OpenVPMS
That worked! Thankyou very much. Very pleased to open it and find all the data there as well.
dont think i'll give up my day job though![smiley smiley](