Print Patient Form on Check-In

Greetings All...

Three days until the big opening and here I am with a NOOB question!

We're putting together client consent forms to be printed for new clients upon check-in.  I've uploaded the forms as Patient Forms, set Preferred Print Mode as Immediate, added the forms to the Templates tabs of each of the Clinician Schedules as well as to the Templates tab of the Work Lists.  Upon check-in, (either through Workflow > Scheduling > Check-In OR Patient Information > Check-In) we're provided with a New Weight screen and a Print screen in which the desired forms are listed... all well and good.  Checking the Print boxes for the desired forms and pressing OK, however, takes one to the medical record in which the forms have been inserted.  The interactive print screen never appears.

I do remember that at the start of this whole process, forms were being printed out at check-in using one of the demo sample sets.  So I must be doing something wrong here in the configuration, but can't find anything in the forums or context-sensitive or online help that would suggest that I need to do anything else.  The printers are all configured and specified for each form on the template edit pages and in the template tabs everywhere else.

I'm not sure what the best setting for Print Mode in the Edit Document Template screen would be, but I've tried them all.  Interestingly enough, no matter what I set and save it to, Print Mode keeps being reset somehow to Check-Out.  Clearly, that could be the issue.

Any idea how I can get another print mode (like Immediate) to stick?


Sam Longiaru

Kamloops, Canada 

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Re: Print Patient Form on Check-In

Hi Sam,

        the Print Mode and Interactive flags are ignored on Check-In. You will only get a print dialog displayed if there are no printers defined for a template, and there is no default system printer (as reported by Java).

Note that the Print Mode field is only relevant when charging, and at Check-Out.




Re: Print Patient Form on Check-In

Interesting.  So you're saying that if I remove the default printers, then I would be able to print out the consent forms at check-in?  I see how I can remove a reference to a default printer from the templates, but not so clear as to how I would do that for the system printer.  On a Ubuntu server, doesn't one printer have to be the default? It seems like that's the one OVPMS picks up initially in Practice Location and I don't see a way to set it there to None.

Thanks for giving me a hint though.  I'll try removing the default printers from the templates... although I don't really see the logic there as to why that would allow me to print at check-in.



Re: Print Patient Form on Check-In

Its not really a solution unfortunately. The way it works now is that when you select a form or letter to print, they are all printed without any dialog being displayed.

Removing the template printers and the default system printer means that it will display a print dialog for the first letter/form you want to print. For subsequent documents, I think it will use the printer you select without displaying the print dialog.

The code change to force it to display a dialog should be straightforward. See the PrintPatientDocumentsTask.PrintPatientActTask class. Change:

        public PrintPatientActTask(Act act, MailContext context) {
            super(act, context, false);


        public PrintPatientActTask(Act act, MailContext context) {
            super(act, context, true);


Re: Print Patient Form on Check-In

Thanks Tim... and Happy New Year to All...

I've got it working so that it is printing after checking the forms desired.  Not sure what I did or why it wasn't printing before as everything I had seen suggested that it was the default behavior.  Maybe there was something caught in the print queue (?). Dunno.

Anyway, thanks for the code change.  Might come in very handy.




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