Cattery bookings

Hi - we have just moved from using paper to having our Cattery bookings through Open via a Schedule view... so we book a cage out for a number of days..putting in the date and time in and the date and time out. The issue is over busy periods such as Easter when a cat, say in Cage 1 is booked to leave at 10am and a new cat is booked in the same day at 4pm. If I select that cage can be double booked then two cage #1 are created for the rest of the year..... and that cage technically can be booked twice in error....

Would really like to know what other clinics are doing about this?

Thanks Anna

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Re: Cattery bookings

Anna - I must admit that I am not a cat person and know nothing of the cattery industry.  However, I just has a play - defined a schedule with a 1 hour slot size, running 8am to 5pm.  i defined two schedule views, one normal and one multi-day, both of the same schedule.

I can now book in a cat in from say 10 am on Monday to 11am 3 days later on Thursday, and I can book in another cat from 11am on the Thursday.

I look for free slots and  it works nicely - totally free days show a 9 hour duration starting at 8am, and partially free days show shorter slot durations.

If I want the 'fine' detail I use the normal view - for a coarse view I use the multi-day view.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Cattery bookings

You can use a single schedule view for this. Just select Day from the Dates dropdown.

Re: Cattery bookings

Thanks for that....yes I see when we just look at Day it works, but our default is Month and we get this


so it may be the way it is set up .... and the way we use it but we do want to look at the multiday function...we just use the single day when we want to see who is coming in or going home that day.

At the moment we have them with 10 min slots as we do with our general appointments but may be I will change it to 1 hour.  

So i'm not too sure what I need to do to fix the multiday view.

Thanks Anna


Re: Cattery bookings

In 1.8, if two appointments fall in the same slot, it will repeat the schedule, as shown above.

This is OK, although perhaps not very clear. If someone was to book the Cage 1 25th slot, they will get a double booking warning.

In 1.9, the schedule isn't repeated; Cage 1 will appear a single row with 2 appointments occupying the same slot. e.g.:

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