Changing the age limit
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 25/09/2012 - 14:33
At our practice, we see a lot of birds, many of which are quite old.
The age limit on the patient screen is only 42 years (the oldest bird that we treat is 64, but the oldest that we have treated was 76 years old, owned by a man of 84 who had had the bird since a boy).
Can you please change the age limit.
Re: Changing the age limit
I've raised a JIRA for this at:
Re: Changing the age limit
The good news is next year (2013) the oldest age will be 43!
Silly computers setting time 0 at 1/1/1970
Re: Changing the age limit
Silly computers setting time 0 at 1/1/1970
Not really silly, it serves to minimise and simplify data entry errors and with the exception of psittacines and tortoises, a ~40 year limit would have seemed reasonable for the patients we're likely to treat.
I would suggest that the early date limit year should be 1920 (that's enough for a 92 year old tortoise). If the early limit is set to 1900, there is already 12 years of ambiguity of data entry - ie is 04/10/12 4-Oct-2012 or 4-Oct-1912?
As we approach 2020, Tim can alter OpenVPMS v7.3a to a date limit of 1930
Re: Changing the age limit
I disagree on principal with a system designed to fail at a certain date and require a programmatic reconfiguration...Im ok if that is a front end reconfiguration but definitely not a coding one.
Re: Changing the age limit
The change in 1.6 will be to reject dates prior to 1900. If you really want it configurable, it will need to be a funded project.
Re: Changing the age limit
Just clarifiying the change then
1. We can enter dates as far back as 01/01/1900.
2. Dates entered as 01/01/00 will default to 2000 not 1900? Or are we requiring all dates entered are dd/mm/yyyy (personally this is where it should be at)
3. Future dates will never fail ie if the sytem was still operating in 2070 a date entered as 01/01/70 would default to 2070? Again this doesnt matter if we require dd/mm/YYYY.
Re: Changing the age limit
1. You can enter birthdates as far back as 1/1/1900. For all other dates, they only go back as far as 1/1/1970.
2. Dates entered as 1/1/00 will default to 2000 not 1900.
3. Future dates can no longer be entered for patient birthdates. For all other dates there is a 100 year limit from the current date. In hindsight this could be much less (e.g. 20 years). If its an issue, it can be changed.
3. Two digit date entry uses a 20 year window from the current date to determine which century the date falls in. So "1/1/32" will be converted to "1/1/2032", whereas "1/1/33" will be converted to "1/1/1933"