Pet birthdays


Our vet clinic is looking at sending out birthday cards to pets and I was wondering

if there is a way to search patients by their D.O.B?

Any ideas?



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The other day when i printed out our reminders i noticed on my phone list a reminder for a vacc reminder.

When i went to search for the client i couldn't find them on our system. Then when i checked under deactivated the client came up. i also checked under the animal and there was no vacc reminder under the animal.

Not sure why a reminder came up if the client has been deactivated and there was no reminder under the patient.

just a liitle worried that if i didnt manually check each reminder a deactivated client might receive a reminder when they aren't suppose to.

any ideas?

Re: reminders

OpenVPMS will exclude deactivated customers and deactivated or deceased patients from reminder generation.

Could your customer have been deactivated after your reminders were printed?

Also check that the patient's reminder hasn't subsequently been cancelled.

Do this by:

1. going to their medical records to the Reminders/Alerts tab

2. changing the Status to "All"

3. clicking "Find"


Re: Pet birthdays

You could use the Patient List Report to locate patients given a range of date of births.


Re: Pet birthdays

Hi Tim,

Thanks. I followed your link to "Patient List Report" and saw the template. I clicked the template download, and was given a page of what I see as essentially gibberish. Im not a computer tech. Could you please expalin in more detail how I can achieve this?

I also went into out VPMS system, under reports and ran a patient list report, it only gives me the option of Start and End dates, Species range and breed range.

Any other help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Pet birthdays

OK - you have the report already loaded. The Start and End dates are the range of birthdates to run the query for. So to query all patients born between Jan 2010 and Jan 2012, you would enter 1/1/2010 and 1/1/2012 respectively.

This only gets you part way to what you want however as it just lists birthdays for patients matching the criteria. You really want to be to determine patients whose birthday is coming up. You could:

  1. export the patient details to file and process them further in Excel
  2. set up birthday reminders for each patient
  3. develop (or get your implementer to develop) a report that lists patients whose birthday is coming up


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