Clinician availability module


How do people deal with clinician availabilty built into scheduling?


So, say a client would like to book an appointment to see a particular clinician.  But that clinician is on holiday.  Is there somewhere on OPV that we can input the clinician's holiday times.  So that when a receptionist attempts to select them when booking an appointment, a warning pops up saying "not available" and the reason (on hols today - forever!).

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Re: Clinician availability module


We use repeating appointments to block out the schedule for that staff member.

We have an appointment type "Block Out" and just repeat this for when the staff member is away or unavailable.

This feature is available in 1.8

There is also a "Find Free Appointment" feature in 1.8 that receptionists may enjoy.

Re: Clinician availability module

Cahir - to add to Adrian's comments, we make heavy use of this as you can see below.

The 'ingredients' are:

  • a special customer, Mr Time Off
  • an appointment type 'Block Out'
  • appointment reason codes: ~Lunch~, ~Off Duty~, ~Meeting~ - these all start ~ so that they group together when looking for a reason code. The first two are obvious, the last is used for the daily 11am practice meeting.

As Adrian indicated, the Repeating Appointment facility is used to create these - currently they are set out to 3 Jan 16.

Finally, we have a tweak in our localised version of the Practice Summary 'Count Appointments by Type' sub-report so that the 'Block Out' appointments are not counted - and hence you get better stats for the percentages of the other appointment types.

Regards, Tim G

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