Referred by query

Hi, just wondering if anyone can tell me the easiest way to generate a list of clients with a particular "referred by" type (ie get a list of customers that have been referred by other vets, listed as "vet referral" in our referred by field).  The customer referral report gives me the numbers, but not a list.  





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Re: Referred by query


Q1. Do you want just a list or do you want to mail or email them?

If you want to email or mail them then the best report to clone is the Export Customer (email) addresses for Sales report.

If you just want a list of customers, then the best to clone is the Customer List report.

Q2. What version of OpenVPMS are you running, 1.7 or 1.8 or later?

Q3. The quick and dirty approach is to leave the cloned report output as is but just add in the Referred By selection. A more complete solution is to group the output by the Referred By Field.  Is the Q&D approach OK?

If you answer questions 1,2 & 3 I will knock up something for you and push it into the Resource Library.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Referred by query

Thanks Tim,

Q1 just get a list

Q2 1.8

Q3 Q and D is fine - I found the "Customer Acquisition Report (with referral)" and uploaded that.  This gives me the info that I want, but cannot be filtered to just give just one referred by option and is divided up by month.



Re: Referred by query

Winston - it is done - see

For your use, set the Referred By parameter to 'vet referral' and untick the 'show only counts' option.

Yell if there are any errors/corrections/tweaks you need.

For good karma a donation to my project of the week would be appreciated.

Regards, Tim G

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