Consult Time Report


I am wondering if someone has or can show me how to generate a report that tells us all the consult times over a period of time?

Basically I want to do some analysis on when we see the most patients/consults, to better allocate staff resources.



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Re: Consult Time Report

Adrian - this is on my todo list - especially since we paid for - aimed at allowing one to get stats on processing and waiting times.  However, these require you to be running 1.7.

Given that you don't have the data for the above deluxe version of the report, what exactly do you need?

Would a quick and dirty export report that dumps the worklist tasks (with their start and end times) in a specified date range be useful?  You could then pull the CSV file into Excel and play with it.

Note that I do not have a good data set to play with because my conversion code only brings forward the 'in-progress' tasks from the RxWorks system and there are only some 35 of these.

Are you trying to look at the distribution of tasks through the day/week? (ie if 90% of the business is done in the morning then you can send 90% of the staff home at lunch time ;-)

Do you need the Task Type, Notes & Clinician in the output?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Consult Time Report

Hi Tim,

Yes, I noticed you guys stumped up for that. We are happy to contribute to project of your choice or kick some extra $$ in if we can use your report.

Will this improvement allow looking back at data (i.e. that gathered when running 1.6?). It sounds like it may not (we are going to try 1.7b1 starting tomorrow because I really need some of the functionality before xmas).

All I was really looking for at a start is when consults were scheduled (date & time) that I could play with in excel. Idea being we are mostly walk in and all patients go into the scheduler and are then checked in to a worklist called "waiting room". If I looked at the scheduler I could use this data to look for trends (hopefully by hour of the day and day of the week).

Though I guess worklist start and end times could be fun for getting a better idea of our in hospital workload. I.e. we could look at our "hospital" worklist or task type and look at density over the year? Clinician may be useful but I am not sure if it would be. Simply because people work differently (some write up as they go, some do it later, etc). So if someone left a consult in waiting room for a long time this may just reflect a different style of working?



Re: Consult Time Report

Adrian - have a play with the attached.  This dumps the appointment book between the specified dates. The start and end timestamps are split into dates and times so you can use Excel to say count the appointments in hourly buckets. The worklist is shown (if there is one) so you sort on this. Ditto for Appt Type and Reason. The clinican and notes are also dumped - maybe of use in looking at any funnies.

This report will work happily on 1.6

Note that I don't consider this a polished finished report - but let me know how you go.  Features to add are probably selection on worklist, appt type. It should also probably dump the schedule name.  I also have not dumped the 'arrival time' (which is the checkin-time) or customer name. (These would allow you to look for customers who are always late for their appointments.)

Regards, Tim G

appointment export.jrxml 13.1 KB

Re: Consult Time Report

Hi Tim,

Thanks for this. Report works well . I will have a play with the data after xmas.



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