copying products

We have been copying existing products for some time when entering a new product rather than starting from scratch.

We have just discovered though, that all copied products that have a dispensing fee attached, have added a new dispensing fee onto the list. This became apparent when we were reviewing prices, and we now have multiple dispensing fees which I guess are all attached to different products (with no way of finding which they are attached to).

Are we doing something wrong? If we want to change the dispensing fee price we now seem to have to change them all.

Thanks, Kerry

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Re: copying products

Hi Kerry,

Definitely a bug in version 1.4 that has been fixed in 1.5 as per this JIRA entry

Will think about a script to merge the Linked fees together for users.  In the mean time don't change the names of the product price templates as thsi may be the best way to merge them.

Will keep you posted on what best to do. :-)



Re: copying products


Yes, when our staff have been adding new products to the system, they often use the 'copy' tool instead of adding it as a new product, and then they 'edit' the new copied product to save time (especially for stuff like Hill's and R/c products). I have noticed that we now also have several pages of the product 'dispensing fee'. I guess that doesn't really matter? Are there any other implications? Eg: what about stock location? Eg: if you 'copy' a new product then edit the copy, does it also copy other info like the 'stock location' amount?




Re: copying products

Hi Amanda,

Only linked products from my testing.

Don't do any harm but I think it woud be good to clean these up.  The idea behind linked products is to simplify updating fixed fees like dispensing fees.  Having multiple around seems to defeat the purpose and is confusing.   Hopefully we can come up with a script to fix these or at least a report so you can identify the products yourself and fix.



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