Cost of Sales by Product Type


I have a cost of sales report that gives me the cost of each item.

Does a report exist that can group the items so I can monitor the input cost of each product type.  ie, cost, income and therefore profit from all my injectible drugs as an example?

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Re: Cost of Sales by Product Type

Garry - The new Practice Summary report (part of 1.8) includes a 'Product Sales by Location/Product Type' subreport that does this - output is like:

The summary part shows:

I also have a 1.7 report - Product Income-Expenses by Type whose parameter screen is:

and whose explanatory text is:

Note that this shows the inc-tax sales numbers because it was built for Hong Kong where there is no tax and hence I did not bother to remove the tax components.

So are you running/going to 1.8 or do you want the 1.7 report?

Regards, Tim G


Re: Cost of Sales by Product Type

Sounds like I need to speak to Jason or Tony about going to 1.8!

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