Electronic S8 Register

Hi Users

I have been contacted by a company who have created an Electronic S8 Register.  This has currently been approved by the Board of Vet Surgeons in 2 States and finalising approval for NSW.  It is used currently in human pharmaceuticals.

They are very interested in interfacing with OPEN.  If users are interested i can pass the details to the developers?  No more trying to remember to keep your book up to date for sales and purchases!!

Please let me know your thoughts

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Re: Electronic S8 Register

OOO is it qld approved?

(we are archaic up here)

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: Electronic S8 Register

We are going to help these guys, and have a meeting with them on Aug 18. (State = NSW, Australia).

Re: Electronic S8 Register

We are very interested in this, although our actual interest will be swayed as always by the cost, and the amount of time/cost it actually saves.

The S8 register is already a huge extra cost of our business if you factor in the costs of lockable cupboards/safes, time taken to fill out the record book, and then the daily/weekly reconciliations. I can see this may be a time-saving program, but equally may just be an extra imposition. 

We are in WA and given we are close to a final draft of the veterinary practitioner's act, it would be timely to get something approved and included in our act. 

Re: Electronic S8 Register

The list of S8 medications charged is available in OpenVPMS so you could write a report to extract the information.


Re: Electronic S8 Register

We have such a report. The output looks like (including the optional explanatory text):

This satisfies the Hong Kong authorities. If anyone wants it, yell and I will put it up in the Resource Library.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Electronic S8 Register

Yes please, put in the Resources Library, which is now much more user friendly.Thanks, PAUL

Re: Electronic S8 Register

Re: Electronic S8 Register

Hi Tim

The report will be great.  We also by Law need to complete an S8 Drug Register - everyone currently has a registered book that needs to be completed when drugs are purchased and sold.

This interface will do the work automatically for the vets - which will stop any errors and forgetting to enter information.

Can i email you the details for this information?  If yes, can you send me your email address please.  cath.colton[at]vetshare.com[dot]au


Re: Electronic S8 Register

Cath - if I understand you correctly, you can provide some formatting details so that I can tweak the report for use in Oz.

I have just sent the above your your email address. Reply to me with the layout you want/need and I will tweak the Hong Kong version.

Paul - since you both work in Victoria, this should suit you also.

Can anyone comment on whether what will suit the Victorians will be OK for other states?

Note that in Hong Kong we use 'short names' for the vets, with the Description field containing their full title & name, and we have added a 'Printed Name' field that includes qualifications - so we have:


The S8 Usage report prints the Description field.

In 'standard' reports that need the vet's name (like the Income by Clinician subreport in the Practice Summary report included in 1.8) I used the logic:

if Description set, print Full Name - Description (eg  DG - Dr David Gething)
else print Full Name.

I will adjust the S8 Usage report to use this logic rather than just showing the Description field.

[I should probably adjust the Hong Kong version to use the Printed Name, but this field was added (for use on certificates) after I built the S8 Usage report and I have not adjusted it.]

Regards, Tim G

Re: Electronic S8 Register

As a slight aside, how are those using opiates for pre-anaesthetics and ketamine for induction keeping track of those drugs within OVPMS. Currently for us it is in the too-hard basket, though I though 1.8 was the Messiah on this front with the template changes.

I am not running 1.8 yet, so I can't experiment, but I think I have incorrectly assumed the new "include a product based on the weight of a patient" feature could calculate a dose of a medication based on the weight. That would be very handy for keeping track of consumable anaesthetic agents etc that are generally given according to a weight-based relationship, and then could be invoiced as zero for the purposes of anaesthetic templates. 

I guess including a nominal average amount for each general anaesthetic will at least allow a report of all patients receiving the drugs, but will not keep a vaguely accurate inventory of the amounts used. 

Other than invoicing it manually, any other suggestions around this?

Re: Electronic S8 Register

The changes introduced in 1.8 to include template products based on a weight range aren't sufficient to calculate an accurate dose. You can still use it to get a rough quantity with zero pricing and print suppression, and amend it as required.

For 1.9 there is a project under development that will provide accurate dose calculation.



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