Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

I've been working on a CAR microchip form and have got most of the fields populated from the openVPMS database.

The database is missing a mobile phone contact number field, so I added "Mobile" to Administration | LookUps | Contact Purpose.  This now gives me a mobile phone number field in the customer's information.

Is there any way to create a field such as, say, [party:getMobileNumber(party:getPatientOwner(.)), that can then be used by openVPMS in a patient form printed via OpenOffice?  It then makes for one less field that needs to be hand-written.

I've uploaded a CAR Microchip Subscription Patient Form to the Shared Resources section.


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Re: Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

There's no direct support for mobile phones at present. We do provide home and work phone functions however:

  • party:getHomeTelephone(party)
  • party:getHomeTelephone(act)
  • party:getWorkTelephone(party)
  • party:getWorkTelephone(act)

We could provide a getMobileNumber() function along the same lines that looks for phone numbers with a MOBILE contact purpose. If you're interested, we can set up a development project for it.


Re: Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

Hi Guys,

As this is a minor development task (that even I can do I believe) I would be happy to contribute this to the project.  :-)



Re: Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

Yes, I'll contribute to this project.


(PS Did rounding invoice items ever get off the ground as a project? I'd certainly contribute to that as well.)

Re: Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

Hi Yuri,

I have developed the function party:getMobileTelephone(.) and included it in version 1.5.  It will be available in the next beta release.



Re: Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

Thanks, Tony - appreciated.

As an aside, I'm going to re-do the CAR microchip subs form over the weekend as a result of discussion at tonight's meeting on the new Restricted Breeds Dog Act to more clearly separate owner declaration from vet/implanter signature.  There is a concern that the implanting vet could be construed as "certifying" the dog's breed, which could then involve him in liability if the said dog turned out to be a Restricted Breed Dog. 

In fact the Guild Insurance lawyer there tonight offered a form of words "This is in no way an official certification of the breed for the purposes of the Domestic Animals Amendment (Restricted Breeds) Act 2011", which I'll try to incorporate into the new form.


(surprised that only 60 Victorian vets turned up to hear about this legislation that comes into law next Saturday).

Re: Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

Hi Yuri,

This new CAR Form would be a great resource for all to use. Could you please put it on Shared Resources.


Re: Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

>Could you please put it on Shared Resources.

Done. v2 has been uploaded to "Shared Resources" (currently the fifth item on the first page).

Feedback welcome.


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