I 'm looking for a list of patients microchipped this month
Submitted by Yuri on Sun, 25/09/2011 - 15:54
We've noticed that some of the microchip subscriptions we fax through to CAR don't appear on the database. Is there a report that exists, or that I can modify, that will generate a list of microchips implanted over a selected period that we can use to cross-check against CAR's database?
Re: I 'm looking for a list of patients microchipped this month
Hi Yuri,
Assuming your microchipping was charged out I suggest you use the Customer Product Sales report ( http://www.openvpms.org/customisation/customer-product-sales-report ) to detail specific products sold in a specified period.
Re: I 'm looking for a list of patients microchipped this month
Mmm.... thanks, Tony that's very close to what I want.
Now how do I add a field in iReport to display the microchip number for each customer/patient (might as well learn how to modify jxml files, having gunned down .odt files and mergefields<g!>).
(PS - told you I'd have lots of questions once I got going!)
Re: I 'm looking for a list of patients microchipped this month
Hi Yuri,
Absolutely no problems asking lots of questions especially given you are contributing so much to the community :-)
Now reports are a liitle different from how you have been using the other jrxml and odt files. They actually use SQL to extract the data they want and then display this information according to the report design. So you need to have some understanding of the database design and SQL. Very worthwhile to learn if you have the interest.
If you want to modify the current report to also list the microchip details it may be best to use the current report as the basis for a new report ( Microchip Sale report) and then modify the SQL in the report to also extract the microchip information. I can help you with the SQL. Suggest we take this topic across to Implementers forum though as may be a bit tecky and boring for the users ;-)
Cheers Tony