Credit Card Payments Report


Does anyone know when we will be able to run a report showing all payments by certain credit cards:

Separate Deposit List - not currently used by the system. Reserved for future use to control whether, when processing the Bank Deposits, the system is to generate a separate report for amounts paid by this card.

I have a number of clients who need to know the totals for certain credit cards when running the end of day banking.  I understand the individual customers are shown on the Till Balance report but no total per credit card type.


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Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Cath - where did the "Separate Deposit List - not currently used by the system. Reserved for future use...." come from. I cannot find this - was it a pre 1.7 feature?

I suspect that what you want is not an enhancement to the standard Deposit report (which shows the details a specific deposit) but rather a report can can be used to report information across multiple deposits.

I have a 'Deposit Report' that prints deposits between specified inclusive dates for specified accounts with an option to show the details of each deposit.

The data is currently ordered by account/deposit/payment type/payment date/customer name.

It would be simple to clone this to a report that shows only credit card payments and orders by either account/deposit/card type/payment date/customer name and provides totals by card type.

Would this suit your needs?

Also - what is your target OpenVPMS version? The above report was built for 1.7 but my preference is to target 1.8 because I like Jasper Studio over iReports.

The alternative to a report is to modify the standard 'Bank Deposit' used when you press Print on the Reporting|Deposits screen. This could be modified to sort on card type and show the total for each card type in the report.

I suspect that what is needed is a function of the information you need. Is it the totals for each card type in one deposit, or is it the totals for each day for each card type, or ..... - and what you want will depend on how the card company works.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Hi Tim

It would be fantastic if the Till Balance Report could show as part of the End summary the Credit Card Types totals.  Eg:

Visa  $146.00

M/Card $300

Amex  $400

Clinics need this total as certain credit cards charge different merchant fees so they need to add this to their financial data.

This would be required for V1.8

Does that make sense?

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

OK - will have a play with enhancing the standard Till Balance report.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Cath - attached is a trial balance report tweaked to show the totals for each card type.

Note that it is not possible to have a neat card the summary at the end (because the card names are not known). The only way to proceed is to sort the data by card type and have a total at the bottom of the data for each card.

Note also that this is not exhaustively tested.

Please give it a whirl. When we have done some more testing we can put it in the resource library and add it into the 1.9 set.

As per your request, this is a 1.8 version built using Jasper Studio.

Regards, Tim G

Till Balance-cc.jrxml 57.5 KB

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Hi. We moved from Netvet to Open1.7 in June last year and Cath helped with our implementation and training. For us the till balancing report could be improved by just having a total for credit/debits so that it matches the report output from our EFTPOS terminal. I would imagine that different terminals generate different reports and being site configurable would be useful. Here is our EFTPOS report

At the moment we have to manually add the Visa and Mastercard total together to correlate with the Total Credit Card tally on the till balancing report.

We don't particular care what type of payment has been made as long as all payments have been made. If the credit card total does not balance, like in this example, we add the credit and EFT totals and cross check with the EFTPOS report. These seem like unnecessary steps.

If the Till Balancing Report generated the same parameters as a site's EFTPOS terminal report that would be much more useful ie in our case Visa, Mastercard, Debit and Credit/Debit totals. I'm not sure if the report you have generated Tim would do that as we can not run it on 1.7. Is there a way of changing the standard till balance report on 1.7? Or should we just upgrade to 1.8?

Also, not long after we moved to Open I was contacted by Tyro to move our terminal across to them. The phone operator told me they were in discussion with integrating with Open so that no information would need to be entered into the terminal and would eliminate human error in this step (since moving to Open we have discovered how often staff key the wrong amounts into the terminal, not previously picked up with Netvet). Was that a sales pitch from Tyro or is that still being planned ?


Re: Credit Card Payments Report

The Till Balance report is a Jasper Report, so you or your implementer can customise it to work exactly as you want it to using iReport. In 1.7, the original template is located in <OPENVPMS_HOME>/reports/TillBalance.jrxml or you can download it from Administration -> Templates.

Regarding Tyro, we did discuss integrating it with OpenVPMS but there were intellectual property and technical issues that proved too hard to overcome.



Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Okay, thanks Tim. I'll have a fiddle with the report. When I previously spoke to our implementer, Cath, I think it was beyond her comfort level.

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Stephen - Cath said for 1.8 so that is what I did. If you are indeed running 1.7 I will see if I can do the same tweaks on the 1.7 version. Note that I am currently overseas and I do not have access to my test sytems, but I will see what I can do.

Note that backporting the 1.8 version I uploaded back to 1.7 is a bit involved, so unless you are very familiar with Jasper Studio/iReports, you will be frustrated.

Regards, Tim G

---update-- the attached jrxml is built with iReports and tested against OpenVPMS 1.8 - because I do not currently have access to a 1.7 system. However, I see no reason why it should not work under 1.7.  The output looks like:

As you can see the total for each card type is shown at the bottom of the items paid using that card.  You can also see that we are not good at setting the card type - the (card?) indicates that the card type was not set.

TillBalance-CC7.jrxml 56.55 KB

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Hi Tim

Thank you!!

The client is wondering if there is any chance the totals (per card type) can also be listed in the Summary at the end of the report.

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Cath - as I said in one of the posts above "Note that it is not possible to have a neat card the summary at the end (because the card names are not known). The only way to proceed is to sort the data by card type and have a total at the bottom of the data for each card."

That said, it may be possible - I need to have a play when I have a full test system available [we are currently overseas].  Will come back to you next week. 

Regards, Tim G

PS - if your 'client' is paying you, then a donation to a project of my choice would be appreciated.

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Thanks Tim.  Its OK this 'client' is paying for many things :-)

Hope you are getting a holiday on your holiday

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

OK - after a lot of hard work, I now have a Till Balance whose summary looks like:

Note that to achieve this I had to use Jasper Studio (because I needed to sort on variables).  Hence this is 1.8+ product only and cannot be backported to 1.7.

I am about to add this to the resource library and will give it to Tim A as a replacement for the existing till balance.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Credit Card Payments Report

Hi Tim

Perfect!!  Thanks

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