Customer Aquisition Report (take 2)

Thought I would post this question that I put up a while ago that I did not get a reply to. Can anyone help? Might be one for Tony perhaps?

"I have just started using the Customer Aquisition Report for find out how many new clients we have had in a particular period. I was wondering if we could add another field to allow us to filter only those who have spent money. We add a lot of clients on to the system when they make enquiries but many of these do not actually convert to sales.

Also on this report, could the date fields be changed so that the end date includes itself. Just so that all the reports do this in a consistent way (like the Customer Sales Report & the Product Type X Vet Sales Report)."


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Re: Customer Aquisition Report (take 2)

Hi Glen,


Just thinking, what about this for an option - create a "new client" called "Estimations and Enquiries" and then you can always use this client for giving people estimates and prices etc if they aren't already a client. You can add their name and details in the notes section of each estimate or document you give so you can also keep track of their enquiry if need be and print them a copy of everything etc. I think I'm going to start doing it this way for the moment. Until now I've just been creating estimates in my own file for this purpose.



Re: Customer Aquisition Report (take 2)

Hi Glen,

Did you get your "non-zero" total on your Customer Acquisition report?


Matt C

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