Customer EMail and SMS Functionality

I have long been a proponent of having these functionailities included in the program but once again due to lack of interest they have not been included in this release.

Is wonder are there a few users out there who would be prepared to share the costs in funding these (SMS $4950 and Email $2830) andn then maybe we could get the developers to arrange a limited upgrade for those who contributed.

Any offers or thoughts?


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Re: Customer EMail and SMS Functionality

Hi Nick,

SMS (Part 1) has one pledger only at this time.

Email enhancements has 4 pledgers (of which you are indeed 1!).


People should have a read of what these projects are offering (you can find them in "Seeking Funding").

I agree, they are features that many clinics might find useful and are also features offered by OpenVPMS commercial competitors....


Matt C

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