Database Query/Search

I am really missing my ability to search the database for patients I hae seen and would like to follow up. It would be great to be able to search for certain consults or patients without having to know the name of the client/patient. All to often I think "I need to call the owners of that black cat I saw 3 weeks ago and see why it hasn't come in for its surgery". Currently if I don't know its name or the owners name my only option is to search through the schedule and see if I recognise the booking. As yet it is not a major issue as you don't need to do much follow up in 3 days and even my memory lasts that long, but I think follow up is one of the most important things we can do to improve patient outcomes. Currently I am going to add every patient I see to my follow up calls workspace-I can't keep that up forever!

Useful search fields would be:
Consulting Vet
Date of Consultation
History Text Keywords/Phrases
Billed Items

This is a long but not exhaustive list, however even having one or two of these to cross reference would be useful. Obviously some of these (species breed etc) would be much more straight forward than others (history text etc)

As my computer savvy husband says "the usefulness of a database is determined by the ability of the enduser to access (read; search for) the data contained within it"

I would be interested to know if this is in the pipeline or whether other users have found ways around this issue.


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RE: Database Query/Search

Hi Delwyn,

Lots of good discussion points here.

Definitely think a generic search workspace as part of the web application is a good idea. Think it could be combined with the ability to utilise the search results to generate lists, letters, labels etc. I like the idea of a workspace for this as, like the debtors and reminders workspace, you have the ability to click on the customer or patient name to navigate directly to their detailed information. Handy when calling them rather than having to search for them off a report printout.

Currently have only thought about such a workspace but not on the development agenda as yet. Would need some detailed input from users like yourself and then some funding if being developed in house or developer(s) to contribute the necessary code.

In the mean time there may be some other options.

Currently many sites do what you do and manage follow-ups through specific schedules, worklists and/or even reminder types. They typically don't add every case to a follow-up list so this is not really an onerous task. As a means of managing your legitimate "I want to follow this patient up" cases I believe this is the best approach.

For the adhoc follow-up cases i.e. "Did I have any cases within the last three months that involved Dogs less than 5 years old who had a diagnosis of Diabetes" it is possible to write a report that interrogates the database and provides a formatted lists of matching cases. This is one of the real benefits of OpenVPMS in that the database back end is completely open and accessible by any reporting and data analysis tool. Of course you do have to have some understanding of the underlying data model but I am sure your husband or even someone from the community could help design a report that suits this purpose. Also if the report is developed using the iReport report designer (Jasperreports) you can add this directly to OpenVPMS and run from the reporting -> reports workspace. It will prompt for any parameters and pass these to the report and allow you to print or preview the results in the actual application. Maybe this would be sufficient for your needs in the mean time ?

Regards Tony

-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday, 5 November 2008 23:04 To: Subject: [OpenVPMS Developers] Database Query/Search

I am really missing my ability to search the database for patients I hae seen and would like to follow up. It would be great to be able to search for certain consults or patients without having to know the name of the client/patient. All to often I think "I need to call the owners of that black cat I saw 3 weeks ago and see why it hasn't come in for its surgery". Currently if I don't know its name or the owners name my only option is to search through the schedule and see if I recognise the booking. As yet it is not a major issue as you don't need to do much follow up in 3 days and even my memory lasts that long, but I think follow up is one of the most important things we can do to improve patient outcomes. Currently I am going to add every patient I see to my follow up calls workspace-I can't keep that up forever!

Useful search fields would be: Species Breed Consulting Vet Date of Consultation History Text Keywords/Phrases Billed Items

This is a long but not exhaustive list, however even having one or two of these to cross reference would be useful. Obviously some of these (species breed etc) would be much more straight forward than others (history text etc)

As my computer savvy husband says "the usefulness of a database is determined by the ability of the enduser to access (read; search for) the data contained within it"

I would be interested to know if this is in the pipeline or whether other users have found ways around this issue.

Regards, Delwyn

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Data Search with iReports

As Delwyn said we would love to use something like iReports to do a search for new clients, recently euthanased pets, clients with a spend of >$ etc which I gather iReports can do. Has anyone got instructions on how to load iReports and run any basic reports such as the above?




Nick Lloyd

RE: Data Search with iReports

Hi Nick,

IReports is actually a report designer which is essentially a graphical tool to design report templates in OpenVPMS. These types of templates are used for invoices, receipts , statements etc but also to provide a easy mechanism to add to the list of available reports you find in the Reporting -> Reports workspace. The tool itself is open source and is based around Jasper Reports, a very popular open source java based reporting engine that we utilise in the OpenVPMS application.

Although it is a graphical tool, like any report designer it requires two things.

1. Training on how to use the tool. 2. An understanding of the data models in OpenVPMS so you can get and display the information you are after.

Depending on what you want to do, both of these can be typically non trivial exercises and can take some time to master. To be honest most users would not typically want to ride this learning curve although to date there are definitely some who have done so and reaped many benefits.

Essentially what I am saying is you are very free to proceed this way but do not expect to start this process today and have immediate results. It will take time and some frustration and possibly many questions to the forums.

Our concept with Reporting was we would provide an easy mechanism for OpenVPMS users to add reports to their application as well as a mechanism for users, developers and implementers (the OpenVPMS community) to build and share these templates. In this way people who have already ridden the learning curve can post the reports they have created or modified on the web site for everyone to use if they want. You can see the result here:

There is also room for people to develop and sell reports if they wish. It is in essence an open market.

Now, I agree it is a excellent idea to develop an adhoc query interface in OpenVPMS but this development is non-trivial and will take time to complete. In the mean time I and others will be developing and posting reports in this area so keep checking for new additions. Hopefully these will address your specific requirements.

Cheers Tony

-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, 1 December 2008 15:49 To: Subject: [OpenVPMS Users] Data Search with iReports

As Delwyn said we would love to use something like iReports to do a search for new clients, recently euthanased pets, clients with a spend of >$ etc which I gather iReports can do. Has anyone got instructions on how to load iReports and run any basic reports such as the above?


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