Deceased Patient Report

Hi ,

Has any one else run the Deceased Patient Report recently? We had only 1 pet come up in a 6 wk period and know that many other pets have been pts. The report was already on our system as we have come across from another software system.



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Re: Deceased Patient Report

Hi Anna,

The report uses the deceased date on the patient which may be populated for migrated data if the original system did not support this same data. So could be only showing deceased patienst since migration was completed.

Alternatively need to make sure that your euthanasia products have updates associated to mark the patient as deceased and hence set the date.  If you ar ejust manually marking them as deceased the date will not update I believe.

Cheers Tony

Re: Deceased Patient Report

Hi Tony, Tim & Paul,

Just following up on the above report. Thank you for your help - I am sorry that I have not replied but I have been looking in the Users Forum - not the Developers Forum. Could you let me know which Forum I need to check as Cath was our implementor and just reffered to the 'Forum' and I assumed it was the Users Forum

Also Tony I am having trouble logging into Open as a member- I have been trying to change my password for some months and keep going in circles. Any clues? thanks Anna

Re: Deceased Patient Report

The Deceased Patient Report has been updated to include both active and inactive patients. You need to download the template from and upload it to OpenVPMS.

You can configure your account to receive notifications of updates to forum topics you have posted to, so you don't need to keep checking for updates.

To do this:

1, go to: (this is the same as the menu My OpenVMPS -> My Account).

2. click Edit

3. scroll down to and expand "Messaging and Notification Settings"

4. select "As soon as its posted" for "Default send interval"

5. select  "Autosubscribe"

6. Click Save


You can change your password here as well.



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