Development Project Summary document

Hi everyone,

It is long over due but here is a document summarising all the current projects in;

1. Under Discussion

2. Developer Review

3. Seeking Funding



We currently have 14 projects seeking funding. There is plenty there to make the 1.6 release something to look forward to. I would intend for this document to act as an agenda of sorts for a repeat of the last Victorian Users meeting. This meeting was instrumental in stimulating discussion and funding for the features in 1.5.

I was considering mid October. I will post some possible dates after I have spoken to the key players.

Anyone who would be interested in attending please respond to this post.


Matt C

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Re: Development Project Summary document

Hi Matt,

Am interested and would like to attend a Melb Users group meeting in October.

Paul M

Re: Development Project Summary document

Count me in as an attendee.

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