Access Levels on OpenVPMS


In 'USERS' we have 4 x categories listed, ADMINISTRATOR, NURSE, RECEPTIONIST & CLINICIAN. I don't know what access levels these categories have. How can I check this and how do I edit categories to allow access to different areas?

I want to give some staff access to TEMPLATES for example, but I don't want staff to have access to editing products.


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Re: Access Levels on OpenVPMS

Hi Sandra,

Sorry missed this one.

The Categories that you mention are very broad groupings that currently only dictate two things.

Administrtaor - Access to Administration menu and editing products.

Clinician - User is selectable as a clinician in history, invoicing etc.

The permissions on these categories are hard coded into the application so cannot be modified at the site level.

The way to modify individual users ability to do certain tasks is through roles and authorities.  These allow you to define which things specific users can create, edit and delete. Authorities allow you to define the specific bits of information you can manage and roles group these into areas that you can assign to users.  A user can then be assigned to multiple roles i.e receptionist, stock manager etc

Now it was always the intention to build up a set of authorities and roles that could be easily loaded into OpenVPMs and then used/modified by the practice to suit their purposes.  This hasn't happened yet mainly due to finding the time and/or resources to develop and test these.  Currently the only role available is Administration which allows everyone to do anything.  The only thing that restricts this is the Categories defined above.

I think we may need to create a development project to get this done.  It doesn't require any actual development work but just putting together a data file of authorities and roles and testing these. I would be happy to develop the initial data file based on input from you guys about the types of roles and restrictions you want.  I would ask the community for some help to test these to make sure they dont stop some important functions.  This could be done in your training/demo systems so it would have minimal impact on your practice.

Thoughts ?



Re: Access Levels on OpenVPMS

Hi Tony,

We would be happy to test, I will send you a list of role/restrictions in the next few weeks.



Re: Access Levels on OpenVPMS

Hi Tony,

We would be happy to test, I will send you a list of role/restrictions in the next few weeks.



Re: Access Levels on OpenVPMS

Hi Sandra,

can you send the list to me as well so we can help contribute to the dialogue and testing?

If the ball has already rolled then ignore me :)


Matt C

Re: Access Levels on OpenVPMS

Hi all,

This is an old forum topic but I was wondering if I missed something recently.

In Version 1.5 beta has the Products area become visible for non Administrator Category users?

Products and Administration used to be restricted to Administrator category users?


Matt C

Re: Access Levels on OpenVPMS

Hi Matt,

Hasn't changed as far as I am aware.



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