

I have a query about adding discounts to invoices in VPMS.

How do I add a discount to an invoice and have the discounted amount
show up on the printed invoice?

However I don't want invoices WITHOUT any discount to display a $0.00
discount on the invoice (Ie. currently if we don't add a discount to an
invoice the invoice states: You have been given a discount of $0.00).

Many thanks in advance for your help!

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Re: Discounting

Hi Amanda,

We just added a new product (same as adding new medication) and named it "Discount".

When we want the discount to appear on the invoice we add this as we would a medication being charged. We then change the "unit price" to a minus figure and whatever amount you are discounting (ie -10.00 for $10 discount).


Re: Discounting

Hi Cheryl,

We had people disounting items using a minus figure in invocing when we came accross from RxWorks. We found it caused all sorts of problems with 'mismatches' in customer account balances. When we clicked on the 'CHECK' button on the accounts page and tried to regenerate the balance it wouldn't work. Have you been doing this for very long and have you had any problems?


Re: Discounting

Hi Cheryl and Sandra,

The problem Sandra describes occurred in a previous version which allowed invoices to have -ve totals which caused problems with balance calculations.  In version 1.3 and onwards we stopped this from happening.  This doesn't stop you from adding -ve invoice items as long as the total doesn't go -ve. To be honest I am not sure of the ramifications of this appraoch on some reports.

Obviously the ideal way to discount is to use the automatically calculated or manually entered discount fields on each invoice item. I understand this is more difficult if you want to add an adhoc discount across the whole invoice total.  Maybe we should add a discount button with an ability to specify a percentage or $ amount which then calculates the values in the individual invoice items discount fields ?



Re: Discounting

Hi guys,

I must confess I dont spend much time at my reception, but shouldn't adhoc discount/credit items be added in Payments? Or am I completely off my trolley? It is late...


Matt C

Re: Discounting

Just an interest point on discount BUT in estimations.

We have trouble doing estimations for clients that have a discount on their file. When we add 1 - 2 of a product, the system applies the discount for the 2 products to the amount for 1 product

e.g. if an animal was to be in hospital for 1-2 days and the charges were $20 - $40 dollars. The discount on the estimate would be $4. It takes the discount for the high end and applies it to the low end price of the estimate as well.

Is there any way to stop this happening?



Re: Discounting

Hi Ainslie,

Definitely not correct of course but no way to stop it happening without some developmnet work to add a second discount field so we can hold the high and low discounts and apply to the high and low totals.  



Re: Discounting

Thanks Tony,

Maybe if enough people have problem we can fix it..or just not give discounts....


Re: Discounting

I've made a modification to the invoice report to address the issue of displaying a 0.00 discount. Jasper is capable of doing more complex math, and can display the discount field only when desired by using the printWhenExpression element. The one I used is this: <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[$V{TOTAL_DISCOUNT}.compareTo(java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO)>0]]></printWhenExpression>. That can be edited through the graphical display as well. I've attached the invoice report we're using. Caution though, it relies on a letterhead graphic, and is also US letter formatted paper.

Cheers, Paul

invoice.jrxml 17.2 KB
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