Display Expression

Hi all,

I have been changing what appears on our Schedule and Worklist and would like to know if there is a code for clinician.

In my worklist I currently have:

concat(substring(openvpms:get(., 'customer.name'),0,20),' - ',substring(openvpms:get(., 'patient.name'),0,15),'  (',openvpms:get(., 'patient.objectReference')/id,')', '\n', substring(openvpms:get(.,'act.description'),0,100), '\n', openvpms:get(.,'act.statusName') )

and would like to insert 'clinician' after the patient ID.



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Re: Display Expression

Also, is there a code for 'best contact number'?

Re: Display Expression

You can get the clinican name with:

 openvpms:get(., 'clinician.name')

You can get the phone number with:


So your configuration would be:

 concat(substring(openvpms:get(., 'customer.name'),0,20),' - ',
 substring(openvpms:get(., 'patient.name'),0,15),
 '(',openvpms:get(., 'patient.objectReference')/id,')', '\n',
 openvpms:get(., 'clinician.name'),'\n',
 substring(openvpms:get(.,'act.description'),0,100), '\n',
 openvpms:get(.,'act.statusName'), '\n',


You may need to increase the number of characters available to the Display Expression field. Its currently limited to 300 characters which the above exceeds. You can increase this by editing the  "entity.organisationScheduleView" archetype in the Administration -> Archetypes workspace and setting the maxLength field of the "displayExpression" node to 400 or so.


Re: Display Expression

That's fantastic! Thanks Tim

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