New for 1.6?

Hi All,

Tony wanted some more suggestions for 1.6 and my staff have just come up with a couple of irritants:

1- Can the system be made to prompt if, when adding new clients, that there is already a client with the same address (or other details). We often get clients calling themselves 'new' and then find they have been here a few years ago or another member of the family has brought the pet in thus requiring merging.

2- We use New Charges / OTC for merchandise and food to avoid adding new line entries to patient histories. Is it possible to add an optional patient field in the OTC charging screen so items can be linked to a patient and appear in their charges but not history



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Re: New for 1.6?

Hey Nick,

I will add the Search for Duplicates to the agenda for tomorrows Victorian Users Meeting and no doubt it will become an active project after that (I am sure it will be a popular idea).


Re your problem with food etc appearing in medical records, I confess I didn't know merch appeared in medical records. Do you use labels for the merch? This exact topic was raised by Matt R for contemplation at the meeting. It will be included in the discussion relating to the new Integrated Medical Refords editor



Matt C

Re: New for 1.6?

Hi Matt,

No, food and general merchandise do not appear on the history but if you bill it as an invoice it generates an empty visit under that date whereas if you create a new charge/OTC sale no history entry appears as it is not attached to a patient.

What I would like is the OTC sale to be able to be attached to a patient and appear in that patient's charges but not create a history screen entry. We get a lot of clients coming in for OTC sales for different pets and it would be nice to be able to link them (optionally- not a required fill in field) to charges so you can see which patient has had which diet etc.



Re: New for 1.6?

We would love to be able to edit the date on the payment screen.

This would be great for us as we have lots of clients that pay by direct debit.



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