Editing repeating Calendar Blocks glitch


This isn't a major issue, but I've noticed it so thought I'd mention it.

I've created repeating calendar blocks on my schedules. I now need to edit these calendar blocks - changing the start time to 30 minutes later, but finishing at the same time. This is therefore changing the total time of the calendar block.

When I do this change, on the following days the start time hasn't changed, but the finish time has reduced by 30 minutes to match the total time of the calendar block.

I am just going to manually change each day, but thought I'd mention it as it may be an issue for someone else or for future calendar blocking.


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Re: Editing repeating Calendar Blocks glitch

What sort of repeat were you using?

The following don't seem to apply in your case, but I'll add them as they trip people up:

  • the End Time will be calculated from the Start Time and the block Type. If you don't press Enter in the Start Time field once you have changed it, it will update automatically when you click OK, and thus may not be what you expect.
  • in the 'This Calendar Block is one of a series' window, make sure you select 'This and all future Calendar Blocks' or 'The entire series', to avoid only editing the current Calendar Block.

Re: Editing repeating Calendar Blocks glitch

Hi Tim,

I am using daily repeat, on certain days of the week.

When I change the Start Time to 15:30, click through and "change" the End Time to be still 17:45, it changes the Duration to be 2 hours 15 minutes.

When I go to the next day (ie the Wednesday) the Start Time will be 15:00 and the End Time will be 17:15. (not 15:30 and 17:45)



Re: Editing repeating Calendar Blocks glitch

This is a bug in the Repeat Every style of repeat. Raised as https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-2035



Re: Editing repeating Calendar Blocks glitch

Great, thanks Tim. I'll let you know if I notice any other bugs with the repeating. I'm using the calendar break repeating function a lot... it's great.

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