Email Address Prompt


Currently when we create a new client in contact we already have blank spaceholders for "Location" and "Phone Number". I would like to also have a blank spaceholder for "email" to remind people to enter this information.

Can someone let me know how I can achieve this. I suspect an archetype change but I am not sure where.

Also, if I change an archetype then when we upgrade to these changes get saved to the upgraded version? Do I need to let my implementor know what changes I have made so they can be reapplied in new upgrades?



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Re: Email Address Prompt


a) as far as I can see, it is not archetype dependent - its in the code - but Tim A will be able to confirm. I do think it is a sensible idea to add an email placeholder.

b) yes - you do have to keep track of all archetype changes that you have made so that these can be re-applied after the upgrade. What I do is, rather than directly editing the archetypes using Administration|Archetypes, I edit the adl file (got from the <OPENVPMS-HOME>updates folder), save this (in my case in <OPENVPMS-HOME>\hkg\archetypes) and then import it. When I do an upgrade I copy the hkg folder (which contains all my non-standard stuff (ie reports, scripts, etc etc)) to the new <OPENVPMS-HOME>. I then go through all my hkg\archetypes and compare them with the new ones and do any necessary adjustments (using a text file compare utility). Finally I use archload to import all my archetypes, replacing the standard ones.  I currently have 26 modified archetypes.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Email Address Prompt

a) The default contacts cannot be customised at present.

b) You can run the archdiff tool located in <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin to compare differences between archetypes. E.g.:

  • archdiff ../update/archetypes/

Compares archetypes in the ../update/archetypes/ directory, with those in the database, and lists those that have changed

  • archdiff -v ../update/archetypes/

As above, but also shows what has changed

  • archdiff ../update/archetypes/ /home/openvpms/1.8/update/archetypes

Compares archetypes in the ../update/archetypes/ directory, with those in the /home/openvpms/1.8/update/archetypes directory, and lists those that have changed



Re: Email Address Prompt

I was just asked this EXACT same question by the Canadian contingent who are now at the stage of learning the program themselves and starting to train staff.  After scouring through the archetypes, I searched on the forums and found this thread.

Yes, it would be nice to have email contact show up by default on the contact tab.  So +1 vote for that.

Anyway, thanks Tim for the info about the archetype diff.  I have already made a few minor changes, changing labels from "State" to "Province" and the like.  It's very useful to be able to go back and do a comparison.


Sam Longiaru



Re: Email Address Prompt

Sam - I would agree - particularly because a) almost all new customers these days will have an email address; b) the code is simple.

I have created the Jira - see - whether or not Tim A chooses to fit this into the 1.8 release is up to him.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Email Address Prompt

The comment I received is that most customers are preferring to get reminders via email now anyway, and so it is pretty much standard procedure to send them that way.

Thanks for pushing this along...



Re: Email Address Prompt

I have read the JIRA listed above.. one questions Tim A

Just to clarify, with regards to your comment at the end, does this mean we could configure this to remove unpopulated contacts on save?

A workaround for this would be to remove unpopulated contacts on save. This technique is used for invoice items and participations.
See ActRelationshipCollectionEditor.setExcludeDefaultValueObject() and SingleIMObjectCollectionEditor

Re: Email Address Prompt

The email contact would be added by default. If the user don't make any changes to it, it would be automatically removed.

The same could also be applied to location and phone contacts.

There is a Default Email Contact project for email contacts; this would need to be extended to support removal of unchanged location and phone contacts.


Re: Email Address Prompt

Hi Tim,

Could the default email contact as described in the project please be costed? I don't think it needs to be extended to support removal of unchanged location and phone contacts.


Re: Email Address Prompt

This project has been funded 50% and only requires another $590 to get started. If you would like to see it in your next version why not pitch in some funds to help get the project started?

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