Problem with generating reports for a single customer

Hi brains trust,

I am able to run the Customer Product Sales Report and others when I use the "%" all customers entry into the customer field.  

However as soon as I try and input a customer name or ID number, a blank report is generated.  Well really no report at all (no text on report).

I have been very careful to check the date range and exact input of the client name as per the customer name field, and still am unable to see the magic numbers.

Any ideas?......Thanks in advance.

Rupert Mothersole

(Rosabrook Vet Services )

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Re: Problem with generating reports for a single customer

Rupert - my guess is that you are not appending a % to the customer name.  That is if you set the customer name to smith it will find nothing because the actual customer name is Smith,Fred.

You need to set the name to smith% - ie anything starting smith (and ignoring case).

Similarly for the product name selection - hills will almost certainly find nothing, but hills% will find all the Hills stuff.

I do admit that I found this very confusing when I started using OpenVPMS - after all in the application, entering smith for the customer name on the Customer selection screen will find all the Smiths.

For this reason all the reports I build automatically add a % to the selection text. I have a long term plan to renovate all the reports in the standard distribution to work like this, but I will not have the time to do this for the 1.8 release.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Problem with generating reports for a single customer

Thanks Tim,

That has solved the problem competely,


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