Email issue

So this morning after a reboot, I started getting the following error:

 Failed to send email to ben[at][dot]au: Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS;
nested exception is: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target. Failed messages: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS;
nested exception is: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target 

The documentation says that the truststore doesnt trust the smtp server.  We havent changed versions of open or chained our mail settings or password at all. 

the Server is gmail so not trusting it seems a little farfetched ( 587 with STARTTLS)

Anyone got any tips to resolve....I dont want to have to edit the application context again with

props.setProperty("", "smtpserver");

as suggested by Java - I cant work out why the computers trust store might have been modified by a reboot.



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Re: Email issue


Check if there's a firewall or anti-virus program intercepting your request.

Re: Email issue

Hi, totally different issue/question. But are emails sent as Plain or Rich Text? We were trying to get our mail server (google) to automatically insert a footer containing links and photos but it won't do it for emails sent via openvpms.



Re: Email issue

Adrian - it is functionally plain text. [Technically it's multipart/mixed rather than plain text, but this allows for the attachments.]

However, this is not your problem. The SMTP server that you are using (google in your case) is just the post box. The 'stationary' facility (that adds fancy borders and footers) is part of the gmail email client, not part of the google SMTP service.

The facility you need is an 'email relay add footer' [that is the thing I googled]. There are companies that provide this service - eg see

There also seem to be some offerings in the Google Apps for Business sphere - see and

or google 'google apps for business email footer'

I would be interested in any solution you adopt.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Email issue

Hi Tim

Thanks for that. I didn't even know those services existed!

I will let you know how we go!



Re: Email issue

It would have been better if this issue had its own thread, but I would propose a solution

part 1.  We could convert the existing email model to allow for HTML  and use a WYSIWYG javascript window to construct these emails.  The existing email window does not parse html at all.

Part 2 would be allowing each practice location a new field called EMAILSIG which could be a HTML constructed signature.  Perhaps even allowing logos linked from the server directories to be used. (although in my experience placing the logos in a publically accessible web directory and using a image link is better for email load speed, rather than attaching the logo as an image each time.


Not sure if we have covered either of these in the past.



Re: Email issue


Yes, sorry I didn't start a new thread.

At the moment I am trying the google marketplace option (Auto Signatures by MXHero) as this is cheaper than the other option (Free Vs $720/year) however signatures are not displaying as we would like because the service adjusts the signature to the email sent (or so I have gathered talking to their tech support).

So, I think the conversion to HTML enabled email would be beneficial as it would overcome this limitation.

Re: Email issue

I removed AV protection and checked the firewall its not the issue.  


Keep in mind this is the same computer Ive been running open on for 1 year.  Nothing has changed, I didnt install any new software, I sent an email prior to the reboot (literally 10minutes before) and it was only afterward I started getting the message


very wierd


Re: Email issue

You can run Tomcat with


specified on the command line. You might get additional information to track the problem down.

You can check the list of current certificates with:

 keytool -list -keystore <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts  -storepass changeit  -v

Note that changeit is the default password.

Other things to check:

  • make sure that the user running Tomcat has permission to read <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts

  • make sure you have Mail Port (587) and Mail Connection Security (STARTTLS) configured correctly for each Practice Location


-Tim A

Re: Email issue

Turns out that avast av changed the way they monitor smtp ssl connection, they actually replace the server certificate ....seriously... when I used a little certificate monitoring java program to check the path to the smtp server it return that that gmail cert was issued by AVAST.....of course the keystore immediately flagged at and said it wasnt legit I assume...I turned off that feature on the pc we use as a server and we are running back as normal....I am  betting I hadnt rebooted after a program av update.



Re: Email issue

As a point I should have mentioned deactivating the AV program didnt stop the issue, what did was finding the specific setting and turning it off.

Re: Email issue

Sorry to hijack this with a numpty question, but we are not happy with the fact that our histories get emailed without any information on them regarding our practice, and the document name is a generic document description, rather than reflecting client/patient info. Of course we can add this to the body of the email, but it would be better for it to be integrated into the syetm as an automatic inclusion.

Is there a simple way to add this information through Open, or as I think I understand the jargon above - is this a job for the email management software (in which case it will be our IT guy's problem)?




Paul Davey

Re: Email issue



very quickly there is a jrxml report called patientClinicalEvent a4.jrxml (or a5)  This is uploaded into report templates with the report type PATIENT VISIT

this can be edited and reuploaded into openvpms to make your patient history look as fancy or as simple as required..

An implementer can help you do this if you cant use ireports (the jrxml editor) yourself.


Just a tip, when you post what is essentially a new topic on an old thread that has been marked by those that monitor the forum as answered or completed many of the people that answer questions wont look at it again,  meaning your question goes unanswered, best to create a new topic, those that browse these forums will answer new posts usually within hours.

Re: Email issue


Try this modified Patient Clinical Event - it'll place clinic name & address from OpenVPMS on the top of page one.

patientClinicalEvent A4_v2.jrxml 22.45 KB
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