Emailing records

Are we able to email patient histories ? This would obviously be useful in referrals and would save time (faxing), paper and money.
NB: This next question was posted on one of the development posts. It covers the same issue as above: I have a colleague ready to come over to Open VPMS - they are very keen on this function, which I presume would allow the emailing of digital radiography records ?

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Emailing records

Hi Jim,
Good timing. The development project is here. The forum this has been discussed in is here
The project was/is going to be classified as "stalled" today. It currently stands at 30% funded.
Emailing of digital radiography records could certainly be sent if the file is attached to the medical record. Note however that DICOM images commonly will exceed standard email server limits (eg. 2MB). Other file transfer protocols for sending large files are generally recommended. An example is the University of Melbournes teleradiology service which allows submission of large file series.
Matt C

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