Export Product Details


Does anyone know the reason why the Mark Up is not included in the export product details?  How are users changing mark ups in Bulk?

Is is possible to add this to the detail?



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Re: Export Product Details

In effect its a calculated field each time a product price is changed.

We basically export the products create a column called curr_markup which is calculated from the cost - and sale price ie (((Sale / 1.1) / COST)-1) *100 

I think thats right I would have to check it its based on a reversal of 

(Cost * (1+(Markup/100))) * (1+(TAXRATE/100) = SALE 

Then we use that to update the saleprice in the final sheet we reimport into the Open


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
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Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: Export Product Details

Hi Cath, the markup is excluded as it can be derived using the cost and price columns. We don't import the markup as the rounding conventions used in the spreadsheet may be different to those within OpenVPMS.

To calculate the markup from the exported columns use:

Unit Price Markup = ((Unit Price / (Unit Cost * ( 1 + Tax Rate/100))) - 1) * 100
Fixed Price Markup = ((Fixed Price / (Fixed Cost * ( 1 + Tax Rate/100))) - 1) * 100


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