Fixed prices


Just upgraded, looks good. I am updating my prices and for Product: "Cartrophen" we have lots of fixed prices, eg: 1-10kg, 11-25kg etc... with different prices. On the updated version when you go to products to update prices all you see is:

                             Fixed Price............ $89.00

                             Fixed Price ............$101.00

but when you go to charge it out you get:



Can this be fixed?




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Re: Fixed prices

Ralph - just to clarify things, I think you are saying that on the product view/edit screen you see only the Price Type, and in the table, the name of the fixed price is not shown - you only see this when you click on the line and the detail is shown below - as follows:

Hence you want an extra column in the table (called Name) which would display the name of the fixed prices and be blank for the unit price.

Have I got it right?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Fixed prices

You can display the name of the prices in the price table by making an archetype change:

1. Log in as an administrator

2. Go to Administration - Archetypes

3. Edit the productPrice.unitPrice archetype

4. Untick the Hidden checkbox for the Name node (shown below)

5. Click OK

Re: Fixed prices


worked a treat

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