Supplier opening balances

We entered opening balances for our customers using Account, Adjust, Initial Balance or Credit Adjustment.

How do we enter an existing opening balance for a new supplier? Charges requires a product. Do we need to have a product called opening balance and delete it later? Or will this cause problems later on?

Regards, Mary


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Re: Supplier opening balances

Mary - you are correct in thinking that the supplier transaction set is not nearly as rich as the customer transaction set, and specifically that there are no initial balance or adjustment transactions, nor a Check Balance facility.  Remember that OpenVPMS is not attempting to provide a complete accounting system for the business. Hence on the supplier side, it provides just enough to handle orders and deliveries.

If you do want to bring in the current balances for your existing supplier accounts, then as you have guessed the work around would be to create a product say zz-prior-supplies with Printed Name say 'Prior Supplies' and create credits or invoices using this product. Then deactive the product so that it will not be available for normal use.

Tim A - if the above is a good summary of the situation, speak up and I will add it to the Concepts|Suppliers page of the CSH.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Supplier opening balances

I think you're probably right. I suspect most practices use accounting software to manage supplier accounts, as this hasn't come up before.

Re: Supplier opening balances

1.7 and 1.8 CSH text adjusted.  Regards, Tim G

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