Follow up lists

Hi all,


How do people cope with making a list of clients to easily follow up?

Currently we have a manual worklist that we add on each case individually and each vet puts on their own list for them to follow up.

We would like to have a system where all the surgeries and hospital cases + any other consults that vets would like to have followed up, automatically go to a list that then a nurse can call. It should allow for not being able to reach the client and that case go on for the following day etc, so I think it needs to be a list rather than a product report. We want to make sure that there is some amount of autonomy as we cannot rely on all surgeries for eg to go on to the list if it is a manual thing.

What do other people do? Are there any other suggestions?


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Re: Follow up lists

Hi Amanda,

Yes, worklists the best approach here as they will stay on the list until completed.  As you say you need to transfer them/add manually at the moment but there has been some discussion on an enhancement to the follow up process here:

Actually a development project waiting for funding I believe. Check it out and see if what is suggested meets with your requirements.



Re: Follow up lists

Hi Amanda and Tony,

Yep an active project


with $0 pledged at the moment surprise

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