Label printer joy

Hi everyone,

As mentioned we have gone to version  1.4 this week and installed a new server. Since then our seemless transition has of course been ruined by a printer issue. I hate printers... at least when they don't work.


Our SLP label printer which normally behaves itself has started to miss the last 3 or 4 mm of rightmost text. This occurs a good way into the label so we don't believe it is a margins issue.

My question really relates to is there a sequence one must do when adjusting changes to the printer settings? I changed the template but that didn't work. I tried to change the paper size in the printer driver and that didn't work either.

Do I need to restart Tomcat to see changes effected?

Cheers in advance,

Matt C

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Re: Label printer joy

Hi Matt,

Like most printer setup it typically is a mixture of operating system, printer driver and application software setup.  As the software has not essentially changed and the software settings are the same (hopefully you didn't modify) then I would say this is a driver setup issue on the new server.  Important to make sure printer default/printer preferences set to correct label/form size. Need to check the settings for the user running Tomcat (i.e openvpms user).  Definitely no need to restart Tomcat.

When you say you modified template did you edit the Label Dymo.jrxml template or the settings in Administration ->templates ?  If former then may make things worse depending on what you changed. :-)

Agree printers bad when don't work mainly due to all these interactions but label printers are definitely the worst :-)



Re: Label printer joy

Hi Tony,

Indeed you were right. It was a printer driver error. It was set to portrait rather then landscape. Interstinly though, changes in the printer driver settings did not carry across to openvpms until I restarted Tomcat.

All good now.


Matt C

Re: Label printer joy

Hi everyone,

Just a followup if others get similiar problems with their label printers. It turned out after my post on 28/11 my woes were not over.

It turned out after many different attempts to fix that the required setting was actually to remove a setting (thanks to Marty in Melbourne for that suggestion). It was the "Paper Size" option in OpenVPMS template description. Setting it to "None" fixed the problem.



Matt C

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