
Hi guys,

This is an old issue I am just wondering if there has been any development with it or if there's a way we could make it work.

We have our Pathology forms linked to investigations. The way it works is:

1. Add the pathology charge to the patients invoice

2. The investigation is automatically added (as the pathology charge has an investigation type selected)

3. The investigation type has a template "form". This is an ODT document which fills in all the merge fields including investigation number, patient number, patient name etc etc

This all works perfectly, however you cannot type in the 'clinical history' for a the case (you need to hand write it on the printed piece of paper) because it is a PDF.

I would like the ability to type in the clinical history (which would ideally save like other merge fields do in the document) so that when we need to refer back to what we sent to the lab, we have record of what we wrote for the clinical history.

Does anyone know if it is possible? Can the form once created as a 'template' be a editable document rather than a PDF.

* The other issue we have is that when the results come back and automatically attach to the investigation, and someone wants a copy of them (ie referring vet clinic) and we press 'mail', instead of the path results attaching, it's the PDF 'submission form'.

This all may not be a fixable issue, but I just thought I'd ask.





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Re: Forms

The idea of a form is quite different from a letter - for example we dont store versions of forms or even the final document each time you click a form it is generated from the template - so a form is "stateless".  One option might be to use an xpath statement to include the most recent history patient.note, or use the Investigation Note field to include some data and include that in the form

I mean do you really want to type the history twice - I say make sure the history in the file is up to date then include that.  


So No a form is not an edittable document because each time you click it its generated fresh - thats why if you change a patient detail the form actually updates the next time you view it.  Its also why forms shouldnt include patient age...they should include Dates of birth.  The former will change the latter will not.

On the last point I agree but I have to confirm tomorrow I think this is corrected in my version.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Forms

Greta - why don't you classify it as a letter rather than a form.  In terms of the ODT document there is no difference between a form and a letter, and in terms of the user's perspective letters can prompt for input but forms do not. [Thus if you have an ODT document/template which has input fields, but you set it as a form rather than a letter then the input(s) will not be prompted for.]

Thus take your current document, and edit it to add the clinical history input field (see the sample patient document in <openvpms-home>\reports\Samples\A4\Sample Patient Document.odt if you want something to clone from). Then edit the template to change the type from Patient Form to Patient Letter.

You then have three ways of filling in the clinical history: 1) type it in; 2) copy & paste from the medical records screen [open a 2nd window so you can do this more easily]; or 3) use a report macro with the history:medication() facility to pull in the text.   For both 2 & 3 you can edit the content before OK'ing it.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Forms

Last I checked Investigations do not support using a letter as the auto generated submission form


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Forms

we have letters attached to investigation types...

so external lab investigations have a letter attached that generates a OO document with the information attached.

we either open this in a PDF reader and add text that way (disadvantage is this doesn't save back into ovpms).

Re: Forms

Yes my point is it doesnt support the popup dialog that a letter would typically generate at that time.   Thus it doesnt save the information Greta is asking about wth the form unless she reuploads the saved document - I think the issue is then that it isnt documented correctly IMO, 

I would also make a point that - there are benefits to using forms if you can.  Letters are static once generated they are fixed.  A form is dynamic and can update on the fly.  A form will have a smaller footprint for data storage.  You can move a form to a jrxml (jasperreport file) for extreme flexibility and layout.

That being said each to there own of course! :)


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au
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